Madeira: Which Season to Visit?
Madeira: Which Season to Visit?

The ideal season to visit Madeira depends on your personal preferences and what you want to experience on the island.

It's worth mentioning that due to climate change, it's slightly warmer. In 2023, the sea temperature was around 23°C in mid-March, making it easily swimmable.

Spring (March to May): Spring is a beautiful time to visit Madeira. The temperatures are mild, the flowers are in full bloom, and hikers enjoy the lush trails.

Summer (June to August): Summer in Madeira is hot and sunny, perfect for beach lovers and water activities. It's the peak tourist season, so expect larger crowds.

Weather | Funchal | Madeira

Autumn (September to November): Autumn is also a great time to visit Madeira. The temperatures remain pleasant, vineyards are in full harvest, and hikers can enjoy less crowded trails.

Winter (December to February): Winter in Madeira is mild, with comfortable temperatures, although evenings can be cool. It's an ideal season for golfers and those seeking a quieter holiday.

In summary, Madeira is a delightful year-round destination due to its subtropical climate. Choose the season that best suits your favorite activities and travel style, as each time of the year offers unique experiences on this beautiful Atlantic island.